包容 & 归属感

多元化事宜标志十大彩票平台 is proud to be an inclusive and diverse institution of access. We are unique given our status as both a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and a technical community college.

We are committed to our institutional core values of integrity, 尊重, and a student-centered approach as well as fostering an environment that promotes truth, 创造包容的环境, and providing a diverse educational experience that promotes personal and professional growth.


十大彩票平台很荣幸被指定为 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI). 要符合资格, the population of full-time equivalent students who are Hispanic must be 25% or greater. 在我们被指定时(2015年), 十大彩票平台 was one of just three colleges in the state to be named a 西班牙裔服务机构.


十大彩票平台 offers signature culturally diverse programs and events designed to engage and enrich the campus life experience. 的se events are open to all students and seek to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of our community.

  • 艺术与灵魂文化实地考察
  • 艺术家圆桌会议
  • 包容性的演讲者 & 性能系列
  • 安全地带培训
  • 学生小组会议
  • 学生欢迎招待会
  • 灵魂的食物 & 爵士乐午宴 & Sankofa颁奖典礼
  • 十大彩票平台展台:社会正义电影 & 讨论系列



十大彩票平台是几十个令人兴奋的家 学生社团和组织,包括:

  • 黑色的 & 西班牙裔妇女协会
  • 黑人学生协会
  • 基督教团契会
  • G.L.B.T. 联盟
  • 国际俱乐部
  • LLAVE俱乐部(西班牙裔协会)
  • 穆斯林学生协会
  • 退伍军人俱乐部


LEAD项目 is designed to provide female students with the opportunity to take a leading role in their education. To provide more community/civic engagement opportunities and help develop a strong network. 同时提高自我意识, 自爱, 和信心, student participants will connect with professionals that will serve as mentors during their educational career. 指导模型将由以下两个部分组成:1.1和小组指导会议.


英里的程序 是为了提供包容性的学术支持而设计的吗, 指导, and community engagement opportunities to 黑色的 and Latino male students at 十大彩票平台.



反种族主义和包容联盟 aims to build on our identity as a “Peoples 大学” and the only career and technical community college leader in the State of Massachusetts, to strive towards strengthening our commitment to the racial, cultural experiences within our community and institution.


员工资源组 bring employees of shared identities together to create havens of belonging and a sense of community for underrepresented employees. 十大彩票平台是黑人专业团体的所在地, 西班牙高等教育协会(HAHE), 和女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿/质疑(LGBTQIA+)群体.


残疾事务办公室 (ODS)努力促进与教师的伙伴关系, 工作人员, 和学生, promote disability awareness throughout the campus community, and provide guidance regarding college 政策 and procedures pertaining to the rights and privileges of persons with disabilities.


十大彩票平台 honors many heritage months and celebrations each year and hosts a diversity of activities and events in celebration.

Faculty seeking to incorporate cultural heritage months into their curriculum can find support through the 教学的包容性 网页.


十大彩票平台 recognizes and celebrates the rich religious diversity of our campus and greater community. For the educational benefit of our community and those coordinating events, we are in the process of creating a list of religious holidays with recommended accommodations.


的 图书馆的系统性种族主义和不公正指南 includes resources that can be accessed via the library such as e书, 书, 电影, 视频, 文章, data, and statistics as well as information about how to become active in local social justice activists groups and civic action next steps.


在逆境和危机时刻, it is necessary to reaffirm our anti-racist values and stand against hatred. For a deeper understanding of our institutional values and our stance against hatred, 请看下面的声明.


的 “我们的多元历史”网站 is an examination of the idea of pluralism in our local Springfield area history. 该网站关注的是第一民族, 奴隶制, and immigration in the Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts.